
Initial Liquidity Offering

Run a decentralized Initial Liquidity Offering (ILO) to raise funds and liquidity for your project with our trusted decentralized launchpad.

What measures build the best token presale?
  • Build trust in your community using our PYELab Create a Token feature to mint a pre-audited token contract.

  • Use token vesting to lock as many of your team tokens as you can to increase trust in your project and your tokenomics score in the presale.

  • Use token vesting to send tokens to marketers if you need to give tokens to anyone before a presale concludes. This ensures no one can create a pair on an exchange with liquidity before a presale concludes and set the initial price (this will cause a presale to fail).

Is Your Project STELLAR!?

Apply to have your project incubated on PYELab by submitting a PYELab Certification Form here.

If you would like to be incubated do not create a presale on PYELab without submitting the form above and receiving contact from our team. Our Project Acquisition Coordinators will assist KYC, Audits, Presale Parameters, Marketing, and more!

Last updated